Monday, January 11, 2010

Ode to a camel

Oops. Wrong picture. Not a camel.

Oh Camel! Noblest of creatures! Mighty and strong.

Friend of man, docile and calm.

You who befriends us with a smile.

A rather towering friend at that.

Hey! Do you see what that dirt bag is doing to my daughter!

True story. We found this camel just outside of Grandview. I had to stop and get some pictures, and it seemed friendly enough, so I let Emma out to pet it, with somewhat disastrous results. Luckily, I got a hold of Emma before she got over the fence. Both she and Joseph were hysterical for about 5 or 10 minutes. The camel had claimed her hood as spoils of war, but I drove the van down about 40 feet and the camel stood in front of it, allowing me to hop out of the car and run back, reach my hand under the fence and get the hood.

Now it seems funny. To everyone but Emma that is.

Here is Abby last night (or maybe the night before) sharing a tortilla with the dog. Disgusting, but funny.


danands said...

hi laura and ty. you motivated me to finally join the world of bloging. my blog is located at but don't bother looking yet, we haven't figured out how to upload pictures from our camera yet. I'm sure that will come eventually. At least I've made a start. love,sarah

Ty said...

Sarah, I,m so thrilled you found us and we found you! On-line, that is. we love you and miss you. expect us to be frequent visitors of your blog!
love, Laura